I have a commission to make one of my stitched paintings. My neighbor in Canada loves the Yorkshire dales and their dry stone walls in the UK. She has asked me toi do a piece for her with this subject. Fortunately she brought some cards back for me to see what type of piece she would like.
Having never been to this beautiful part of the UK, i had to depend on the internet and her cards to give me ideas for an initial sketch. I made four rough sketches for her to chose from. It will be interesting to see what she chooses. I have attempted to put these sketches in using my ipad bu alas, i can’t figure out how to include them. My computer is in Vancouver and we are in Penticton, in BC’s wine district at present.
I included another finished piece using this technique so you can see a finished piece using this technique. You will likely recognize this from Monet.
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