Happy Chick

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Happy Chick was the first of my chicken painting series. She was inspired by a Christmas garden statue who seemed so cute that it had to be used. She was sold at my solo exhibition in March as a surprise … Continued

On Parade

The rather haughty mother is leading her new family who are far to inquisitive to be obedient This was a mixed media painting on canvas and was one of the first ones sold at my solo exhibition. Have no fear … Continued

Happy Holidays

The Lively Ladies have booked a holiday at last. They make sure to packs lots of everything including fancy things for Blossum. After all, dining, dancing, bathing, trying body surfing and flying around being pulled by those speed boats takes … Continued

Well Served

With with the tennis season coming up, the lively ladies hope to hone their very questionable skills and sneak into Wimbledon! Blossum, their trusty dog dreams of becoming a ball dogโ€ฆ

Ancient Spirits III

Today I had the great pleasure of spending the afternoon with a long time friend Irene Laidley. She and another friend, Irm Mathes joined me at the White Rock Library to view the last few days of my solo exhibition. … Continued