To Pastures New -after James Guthrie

posted in: Exhibitions | 2

Now who wouldn’t love the sight of that little girl herding her geese along. I had to work for many hours to try and make the shadows work on the geese as well as the girls clothing but as satisfied with the final result.141

2 Responses

  1. Faye Lippitt

    the stiltedness of the geese, heads held haughtily as they do, is nicely matched by their keeper. Did you do this with your computer?

  2. Admin_JA

    Hi Faye, yes, I do this on my ipad using the brushes app and a computor pen. I loved the painting so thought that I would have a go in doing it on my. Ipad. It takes a fair amount of time with all the shadowing. These can be printed on wateercolor paper or canvas and sold as a copy of a digital painting.

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