I have just completed the commission for my dear neighbour, Judi who loves textile art. It is rare to find people who appreciate the extensive time needed to complete art on fabric and wish for it to hang on their walls . Judi’s walls are adorned with beautiful textile art and needlepoint pictures, some of them made by her mother. It was rewarding to have Judi’s feedback of
‘Love it love it love it!’
The second photo was taken yesterday when I took the opportunity to take Judi’s piece to an art display with my retirees group
I also have just finished my large piece ‘ Into the Forrest’, and took it along to display as well. it is going into a show next September here in White Rock which I will advise you of closer to the date.
I enjoy my oil painting very much but working with my textiles is much more tactile. Both are very rewarding.
. I
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