Welcome To The World

The lively Ladies have family who have just had a baby! They are soooo excited about this and went out shopping for a wee gift for the baby. Blossum hopes to sneak in her gift as well. Welcome to the … Continued


the Lively Ladies are called in to celebrate a party with close friends. When the birthday cake was rolled out some of the candles unfortunately caught fire. Quick to the rescue was our lady who unfortunately chose to put out … Continued

Sexy Locks

SexyThe Lively Ladies are getting ready for Christmas celebrations by a visit to their trusty hair designer, Ricky. Unfortunately while he wasn’t looking one lady got carried away with the high lighting color!

Lively Ladies failed Apprenticeship?

Well the ladies decided to become students again and signed up for a local  apprenticeship program in renovation construction. They have attacked the project with much energy and glee but seem to have missed the classes on how to paint … Continued

Paddle Boat Rentals

With summer holidayers  taking to the water, our Lively Ladies have decided to join the young crowd and rent a paddle boat. They should have asked for lessons as paddling in opposite directions will just have them going in circles!

Starting Line

our #livelyladies have been enjoying exploring new activities this summer. they have decided to buy electric scooters so they can be in with the in crowd and also go fast without all that effort. They have signed up for a … Continued

Potting Shed

Now that summer is here, our #livelyladies are embarking on a new green adventure. They have secured and are  clearing out a new allotment. Of course it would be the  little dog Blossum that dug up an unexpected treasure! I’m … Continued