These two ladies have loved the challenge of making aging an adventure. They have jumped into many activities such as rock climbing and water boarding that they never dreamed would be possible. To the delight of many they have decided … Continued

Happy Holidays

The Lively Ladies have booked a holiday at last. They make sure to packs lots of everything including fancy things for Blossum. After all, dining, dancing, bathing, trying body surfing and flying around being pulled by those speed boats takes … Continued

Well Served

With with the tennis season coming up, the lively ladies hope to hone their very questionable skills and sneak into Wimbledon! Blossum, their trusty dog dreams of becoming a ball dogโ€ฆ

Love those Lively Ladies

During the Covid lockdown, I turned to my ipad to do my art. I enjoyed the thought of two LADIES of a certain age thourouly enjoying new adventures. Yes they were a little reckless and even their faithful doggy Blossum … Continued