Snowball Warriors
Our Lively Ladies have enjoyed the snowfall with the building of a snow lady with her fruit adornment, followed by a great snowball toss! They are truly snowball warriors!
Our Lively Ladies have enjoyed the snowfall with the building of a snow lady with her fruit adornment, followed by a great snowball toss! They are truly snowball warriors!
Our #livelyladies are really trying to follow the rules with this virus lockdown and discovered that golf courses were open. They just need to learn some of the rules on playing etiquette. They know all about the 19th hole!
Our lively Ladies have decided to bring in the new year with a little sea side swim. Never ones for following orders, they chose a nice little beach away from the crowds in Brighton. I hope that you enjoy this … Continued
Although this #livelyladies iPad painting is titled #Brighton, at this time of year it is more appropriate to view it as shopping fatique with the holiday season in full swing. They seem to be having difficulty in keeping their footing … Continued
I am delighted that my little textile piece called Tuscany was selected today as the runner up on the Brighton and Hove Arts Council on line exhibition. Apparently a bottle of Prosecco is coming my way as well. I am … Continued
At present many of us are in the throws of this virus problem and the lockdown that has followed. it is a tough time for everyone with the isolation and restrictions in travel and seeing family. As an artist, I … Continued